Saturday, September 26, 2009

New Episode of "The Halo Wars" Released

The newest episode has aired and is up and ready. It's called "Episode 124: Scoutmaster". If you didn't see "Diggin' My Ride from Outer Space" don't read on:

James finds the ship they crash-landed on "Diggin' My Ride from Outer Space" and a player with the scout armor on calling himself "The Scout Master" says he is a lost soul that used to man the stations until he was killed by robbers. Him and his many minions or "Boy Scouts" and floats, proving even more that he may be a ghost. And wants to kill the teams and traps them in the ship.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Review: Scream 2 (1997)

(Scream 2 Italian DVD cover)

(Stab poster)

Scream 2 is horror film... *cough* let's move on.

Two african american teens, Phil Stevens and Maureen Evans go see Stab. Along with a few jokes about white and black people. Example: Everyone gets Ghostface masks.

Maureen: And it's white!!!

Anyway, Phil goes to the toilet, and in the other stall, he breaks someone's privacy so Ghostface teaches him a lesson in privacy. Take that!!!

Anyways, Ghostface goes back in the theater and kills Maureen. While the theater is full of movie patrons. However, they think it is a stunt and they all cheer. Those jerks! Maureen let's out a scary scream and falls.

Then some dumb stuff happens then we get to the rules:

Number One: The Body Count is always bigger.
Number Two: The death sequences are always much more elaborate. More blood, more gore. Carnage candy.
Number Three: Never, ever, under any circumstances assume the killer is dead. (Only in the trailer)

Another UFO Google Logo

Once again, Google has come out with a new UFO design. Just in time for HG Wells birthday. Or could aliens be taking revenge for the hoax HG Wells pulled? And could Googleplex be first? We'll find out in due time.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

New Episode of "The Halo Wars" Released

That's right! Guitar Halo is up! And what better way to celebrate a new episode than a movie? That's right! At 1:00 today, we will show the movie at the Snow Shoe Theater and we'll have a party. You need to get tickets for the movie to see it at the theater. They don't cost much. See the only theater released Halo machinima along with a showing of Blues Want Our Flag! and Guitar Halo before the film! 9-19-09

- Taco

Friday, September 18, 2009

The Halo Wars: The Movie is out tommorow!


The Halo Wars: The Movie is coming tommorow at the Snow Shoe theater, and then the day after on YouTube. If you live near PA, just go there. Or you can wait a day later when puts it on YouTube, probably some guy with a bad camera will record it and put it up on YT. Maybe a guy with a good one will come. But if I see it, then I will take it down. It's been a long wait, and yes, we teased you, but it'll be out tommorow. And your long wait will finally be over! Here's an answer to a question many ask, it won't be like Arby 'n' the Chief: The Movie. It will be over an hour. Not just a half hour. And it will reveal a lot of stuff.

- Taco


Guitar Halo will also be shown along with it before it starts, but will already be on Youtube. Oh well. Tommorow!!! Don't miss it!!!

DVD release:

October 1, 2009.

Offical release:

Saturday, September 18, 2009.

Computer release:

Sunday, September 19, 2009.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

New Episode of "The Halo Wars" Finished

An episode is finished for The Halo Wars. It won't air until after the movie and if you don't see the movie first, it will have plot holes. Look at the info on the offical Halo Wars site. Here's the promo:

"The Halo Wars" Extended to 11th Season!!!

The Halo Wars, the longest running Halo 3 machinima, was originally gonna end this season at ten seasons, with over one hundred episodes, is staying with us for one more season. And, if twenty are made each season, there will be over 200 episodes. I am very happy with this!!! LET'S DANCE!!!


New Episode of "The Halo Wars" Released

Season  10's here, baby!!! We're back! Yeah! This means the movie won't be so far away.


(The promo of the episode)

James feels left out when the Orange team exclude him for his blue color, (being closer to green than orange) so he joins a blue group. All is well until the team decides to steal the Orange team's flag because it is blue. (Used to be blue team's flag, but John traded it for a fake diamond due to the team not having a flag)

Extra Notes:

Since this is season ten, after episode two airs (Guitar Halo, airs Saturday) we will be at the theater up in Snow Shoe, Pennsylvania. It will be shown there and shortly after at Youtube. Can you wait for Saturday?

Google taken over by aliens?

Last week, Google had a logo of a UFO sucking up the second "O" in Google's logo. An when you clicked the image it went to the search "Unexplained phenomenon". It's just Google poking fun at the huge searches for that, right? Not many scientests think so. On Google's twitter, there was a message encoded in numbers, and it was discovered to be translated to "All your O are belong to us." This scared some people. And when I saved this on my computer, the save default name was "Go_gle". This made me laugh. But just a week later, today, this design came out:
This one, when clicked on in the homepage, (try it yourself) searches "Crop circles" and there's news on that. Could Googleplex have been taken over by aliens? "O"nly one way to find out. Bust in.