Thursday, November 12, 2009

Four Updates


UPDATE 1: I know you guys are mad about episode seventeen of "EVA" entitled "Suicidal" wasn't uploaded on the tenth. I am sorry about this but I am working on The Halo Wars and The Arbiter.

UPDATE 2: The ADSTs: Season 2, Episode 5 entitled "Vacation" will not be uploaded. I am ending the series again. Episode 5 will be uploaded, but in a series finale format.

UPDATE 3: As you can see, I have got a new look on the blog. It was flailing up there.

UPDATE 4: I have decided to cancel "A Day in the Life of a Bungie". loved this series so I imagine they will pick it up and run a second season like they did with Arby 'n' the Chief. (Great show, by the way)

Oh, and one more thing.


- Logan

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